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Version: 9.x.x

Space Packet Parser

new SpacePacketParser(options)

A transform stream that emits data each time a complete, correctly formatted Space Packet is received. Configure the parser with the lengths of the Time Code Field and Ancillary Data Field. (These don't need to be present on every packet received; their presence should be indicated in the individual packet header; however their length should be standardized between the sender and receiver.)


  • [options]: object The optional configuration object, only needed if either of the two fields of the secondary header need their length defined
  • options.timeCodeFieldLength: number The length of the Time Code Field in octets, if present
  • options.ancillaryDataFieldLength: number The length of the Ancillary Data Field in octets, if present
const SerialPort = require('serialport')
const SpacePacketParser = require('@serialport/parser-spacepacket')
const port = new SerialPort('/dev/tty-usbserial1')

const parser = port.pipe(new SpacePacketParser({ timeCodeFieldLength: 8 }))
parser.on('data', console.log)
// emits data once a complete Space Packet has been received