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📦 binding-mock

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Mock Binding​

import { MockBinding } from '@serialport/binding-mock'
// or
const { MockBinding } = require('@serialport/binding-mock')

Testing is an important feature of any library. To aid in our own tests, we've developed a MockBinding, a fake hardware binding that doesn't actually need any hardware to run. This class passes all of the same tests as our hardware based bindings and provides a few additional test related interfaces.

This class is used in the SerialPortMock class if you wish to test the stream interface.

createPort(options: CreatePortOptions)​

interface CreatePortOptions {
echo?: boolean;
record?: boolean;
readyData?: Buffer;
maxReadSize?: number;
manufacturer?: string;
vendorId?: string;
productId?: string;

// Create a port and enable the echo and recording.
MockBinding.createPort('/dev/ROBOT', { echo: true, record: true })


This removes all created ports.


open(opt: OpenOptions): MockPortBinding​

Open a port and return it.



Emits data from an open port.

port.emitData(data: Buffer | string): void


A unique number for each port returned from open()


If the port was created with record: true this will contain all data written to the port. If recording is disabled it will be a 0 length buffer.

port.recording // Buffer


Contains the contents of the last write to the port.

port.lastWrite // null | Buffer


const { MockBinding } = require('@serialport/binding-mock')
const { SerialPortStream } = require('@serialport/stream')
const {ReadlineParser} = require("@serialport/parser-readline");

// Create a port and enable the echo and recording.
MockBinding.createPort('/dev/ROBOT', { echo: true, record: true })
const port = new SerialPortStream({ binding: MockBinding, path: '/dev/ROBOT', baudRate: 14400 })

/* Add some action for incoming data. For example,
** print each incoming line in uppercase */
const parser = new ReadlineParser()
port.pipe(parser).on('data', line => {

// wait for port to open...
port.on('open', () => {
// ...then test by simulating incoming data
port.port.emitData("Hello, world!\n")

/* Expected output: